

Areopagus Bible College & Seminary is authorized and approved to grant legal and valid Postsecondary Educational degrees in the State of California under CA EDUCATION Code CEC #94739b. We are not affiliated (accredited) with any regional or national accrediting agency and we operate successfully as a school of ministry with students serving in a variety of areas including teaching, preaching, missions, and counseling. Areopagus Bible College & Seminary clearly understands the purpose of accreditation. Many Public and Private Schools are not accredited. A school becomes accredited by signing up with a private (not state or federal) accrediting agency and jumping through a series of complex hoops. Accreditation usually requires meeting state standards and having curricular descriptions and objectives defined and established by the State. However, as noted by the US Department of Education, and all US DOE recognized accreditors, accreditation is a voluntary process. At Areopagus Bible College & Seminary we believe that learning happens everywhere, especially when one is fully engaged and interested in one's endeavors. This spark of curiosity does not fit into the box of accreditation, and therefore we are proudly NOT accredited. For ABCS and many other good schools that seek to serve the adult learner population, the true measure of the quality of an education, and the institution itself, is the extensive experience and credentials of its faculty, the integrity of its courses and programs, and ultimately the ministry and professional achievements of its students. ABCS provides access to Christian higher education, and continues to be a blessing to those seeking to learn, and serve to further the cause of Christ all over the world.

California State Approval Agency (SAA)

The United States has no federal Ministry of Education or other centralized authority exercising single national control over post-secondary educational institutions in the U.S. Thus, unlike many countries, the U.S. government requires that all schools are approved or licensed by the governing body of the State in which they are located. This is the only required level of recognition in the U.S. Areopagus Bible College & Seminary is a legally operating degree-granting educational private college in the State of California, U.S.A.

In January 2020, Areopagus Bible College & Seminary initiated its groundwork for approval to operate by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education (BPPVE) 

Areopagus Bible College & Seminary is currently authorized to operate as a private postsecondary school in the State of California based on provisions of the California Private Postsecondary Education Act (CPPEA) of 2009, which was effective January 1, 2010. The Act is governed by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE), under the Department of Consumer Affairs.